Centrale Nantes, France - Coordinating Institution

Ecole Centrale Nantes (ECN) is a French Engineering school founded in 1919. With over 2000 students present on the Nantes campus, 240 postgraduates and 550 research staff, ECN is one of the top engineering schools in France.

International development is at the heart of the Centrale Nantes's strategic policies: 42% of the campus population is international. ECN’s international policy extends to research & corporate projects: its research laboratories have strong connections with industry and enjoy a world reputation for excellence.
Research and training activities are focused on three strategic areas:
  • Energy transition
  • Manufacturing
  • Healthcare
Research is conducted within 6 research units among which the Laboratory of Digital Sciences of Nantes (LS2N, UMR6004 Centrale Nantes, Nantes University, Institut Mines Télécom Atlantique, CNRS, INRIA). LS2N is a joint research unit in computer science and cybernetics composed of 22 teams, with an overall workforce of 450 persons located in 5 sites across Nantes. Particular fields of expertise are automatic control and power grids which are developed in Dynamics of Smart Grids (DSG) team of LS2N.
ECN has a vocation to contribute to regional economic development. The school aims to support companies in the field of innovation with more than 100 research contracts with industry per year. ECN is an active member of numerous European and international programmes for research and training.

ECN has a long-term expertise in digital sciences applied to energy transition. It holds a research and teaching chair with Réseau de Transport d’Electricité de France (the French transmission system operator) from 2014. 
ECN is fully involved in Renewable Energies technologies such offshore and onshore wind, wave and solar.
ECN is coordinator of the H2020 RIA POSYTYF project Powering System flexibility in the Future through Renewable Energy Sources. ECN also operates SEM-REV, the first European site for multi-technology offshore testing that is connected to the grid. It has all the equipment - offshore and on land - to develop, test and improve energy recovery systems.

Published on September 9, 2024 Updated on September 9, 2024